4-Week Women’s Strength Camp

Our team believes it is our professional responsibility to deliver the fundamental movement skills, training education, and programming support to all members, at any level- that best sets them up for sustainable success.

Our core values are deeply rooted in the belief that an empowered and educated client, becomes armed with a skillset that allows for long-term continued success.

This client education driven model is what we feel creates a separation between us as a private facility, compared to the more commercially ran businesses in the fitness industry.

DAY 1: Complimentary introductory session with coach Christina (Completed prior to Strength Camp)

  • Consultation: Discuss goals, training experience and injury history

  • Education: Learn about Synergy's 7 Pillars of Human Movement

  • Movement Assessment

  • Review what to expect from the 4 Week Strength Camp

*We emphasize our “7-Pillars of Human Movement“, which provides an educational base for us to teach from and ensures all members understand how their joints work, how to safely apply training stress, as well as how to do so in a progressive and productive manner.

 WEEK 1-4:  Training sessions

  • 2 weekly group training sessions

  • 1 weekly OPTIONAL individual session completed on your own time at our facility (under the guidance of our coaching staff)

WEEK 4:  Final week

Option to move into a full membership with Christina and the coaching staff. Cost of camp will be removed from any membership chosen!

If this Strength Camp interest you, please reach out to us and we will send you our available dates.